How to Choose an Optimal Landfill Gas Wellhead
We all strive to get the most out of our financial investments, and getting the best value for money without sacrificing on quality is one way to achieve this. For landfill gas collection systems, one of the key components for efficient monitoring and control is the wellhead. With the appropriate wellhead fitted, landfill gas managers will be able to accurately and efficiently measure flow rates and gas quality to enable them to optimize gas flow.
The LANDTEC ACCU-FLO wellhead has proved to be a leader in the gas industry for more than twenty years, and with new advances in technology enhancing each new model introduced, the ACCU-FLO wellheads just get better and better. While the ACCU-FLO landfill gas wellhead can be considered the best bang for your buck, landfill gas operators can save even more money if they understand how to size their wellhead correctly.
First and foremost, this entails assessing the following factors of the well for which the wellhead is being purchased:
- What is the flow range of the well, and for what length of time does this need to be managed?
- Is the well going to produce more gas in the future?
- Is the well at a stage where it is producing gas at a stable rate?
- Is the well setup for low-flow to control gas migration?
Understanding these parameters is essential for purchasing the appropriate wellhead for your well. The chart below shows flow rates along the X-axis, with the range of wellhead costs depicted on the Y-axis. An appropriate model ACCU-FLO landfill gas wellhead together with its flow range is shown in each different shade on the chart. As you can see, a larger wellhead is required to manage wells with higher flow rates, and the cost rises accordingly.
As you can see from the chart, the various ACCU-FLO models have flow rates that overlap. This is where operators can potentially substantially save on costs. For example, both the 2 inch ACCU-FLO 2V and 3 inch ACCU-FLO 3V wellheads are suitable for a well with a flow of 90 SCFM. But if you do not anticipate flow rates to rise beyond that, then at a 50% reduction in cost, the 2 inch ACCU-FLO 2V will suffice.
Furthermore, installing a 1 inch ACCU-FLO 1V wellhead at wells that have low flow rates can offer a further 50% reduction in costs over the 2 inch ACCU-FLO 2V. For instance, for a migration control well installed on the perimeter of the system that has an average flow rate of between 8-12 SCFM, the ACCU-FLOW 1V is adequate, as this is what it was primarily designed for, and will provide accurate measurements and improved control in low-flow scenarios such as this, while at the same time saving operators substantially on costs.
Thus, in order to get the best return on your investment, it is imperative that landfill operators understand the conditions of their gas field. Our experienced sales team at Diamond Scientific can assist you to purchase the most appropriate and cost efficient landfill gas wellhead according to your needs, helping you save money without compromising on quality or efficiency.