Support Families of San Bernardino Shooting Victims — DiamondSci Skip to content
Support Families of San Bernardino Shooting Victims

Support Families of San Bernardino Shooting Victims

Support San Bernardino Shooting Victims

The recent mass shootings in Paris shocked the civilized world to the core. This was followed by a mass shooting spree in San Bernardino, which was a lot closer to home. I recently learned that Michael Wetzel, who was a supervisor of Environmental Health Services at San Bernardino County and a SWANA member, was one of the victims of the San Bernardino tragedy, The fact that Michael was a fellow SWANA member has affected me deeply. Michael was a person who had the same interests and life goals as myself, and it is quite possible that we attended the same meetings and conventions. What makes it even more tragic is the fact that he was a family man and has left behind a wife and six children who have not only lost a loving husband and father, but the sole bread-winner in the family. My thoughts and prayers are with Michael's family and others that have been affected by this tragedy. A crowd funding website to support the family has been established on To make a donation to support Michael Wetzel's family or the families of other San Bernardino shooting victims see the links below.
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