Landfill Well Seal - 2", 4", 6", or 8"
Well seals provide an easy method to connect fluid and air lines, simplifying installation. Strain relief seals isolate the individual tubing sizes that support the operation of a pneumatic pump from the particle vacuum being placed on the well for methane removal.
- The well seals are attached to the casing by mating flanges or by sealing on the diameter of the well casing with a Fernco-type flexible coupling.
- Additional threaded openings through the seals are provided for fluid level, pressure and or temperature measurement.
- Well seal accessories include an air-in / fluid-out kit, manifold flanges, pump exhaust diversion kit and pump flow control.
- Each well seal assembly includes hose clamps for attaching bundled Nylon™ tubing to an MVP pump and cable clips for securing the stainless steel cable for pump support.
- Strategic mounting brackets that provide support for filter regulators and pulse counters are standard on all well seals.
- Available in 2", 4", 6" and 8".