Diamond Scientific DBE Certified in Florida — DiamondSci Skip to content
Diamond Scientific DBE Certified in Florida

Diamond Scientific DBE Certified in Florida

DBE Certified Business Florida

Diamond Scientific is pleased to announce that it has just been issued Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification by the Florida Department of Transport (FDOT), who administer this Federal program on behalf of the Federal Government in the State of Florida. CEO Ramon Rivera is excited about this new development as it compliments the company's other certifications, which include the HUBzone, Veteran Administration-VOSB, and MBE certification with NMSDC. As a DBE Certified business Diamond Scientific is eligible for small business incentives, including state contracts, funding and other incentives that will boost economic growth to facilitate further expansion and promote employment opportunities within the company. According to a statement released by a spokesman for the Florida Department of Transport (FDOT): "The DBE program is designed for minority or female owned small businesses; over the last two years, the department has awarded directly or indirectly approximately $800 million or 11.40% of the total contracting dollars to DBEs. Since the inception of the BDI, the department has reserved 260 contracts totaling approximately $86 million and this number is expected to increase significantly over the next year.” Florida's Department of Transport recognizes that small business enterprises play a vital role in Florida's economy and in providing employment opportunities for the people of Florida. Therefore, in order to aid the growth of small business in Florida, the FDOT has begun implementing a number of different strategies in support of small business enterprises in the state through its Business Development Initiative (BDI). Through its Business Development Initiative, the Florida Department of Transport aims to help small businesses flourish and promote economic growth in this market sector by awarding selected contracts to small business enterprises. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) are supported within this initiative. This BDI program assists small businesses by not only awarding valuable contracts to small business, but also by providing opportunities for small businesses to serve the role of prime contractor on awarded contracts rather than subcontractors working under larger companies. The ultimate goal of the program is to help small business grow, which will in turn allow them to employ more people and enable them to compete with larger companies on an equal footing when vying for contracts outside the BDI program.
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